Next Meetup : wiper & true ​taproom, old market, sat sept ​21st 6.15pm

Bitcoin ​Bristol

Illustration of Bitcoin

local grassroots education

meetups & workshops (Est. 2020)

bitcoin's social layer

Curious about Bitcoin?

Has your bank ever made you feel your money isn’t really yours? Is it even in the bank? How has money printing induced inflation affected you? Money wasn’t supposed to work like this. Perhaps you think it's broken too.

In 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto offered humanity an alternative and around the world, people are now using it not only to save for the future but to finance green energy, protect human rights, provide financial freedom & promote peace.

Est. 2020, Bitcoin Bristol is a network of individuals & local businesses enthusiastic about Bitcoin’s potential to improve the future for our families, communities & the city of Bristol.


Drop by a Meetup

Everything starts here. Make contact with local Bitcoiners. We're a friendly bunch. Join us for a drink & ask anything - there's no dumb questions in Bitcoin.


Learn “Why Bitcoin?”

Money is the base layer of civilisation & broken money corrupts society at all levels. Fixing anything before fixing the money is futile. Education through Q&As helps everyone. If we can't explain it to a 5 year old, do we really understand it ourselves?


Use Bitcoin (as designed)

Bitcoin evolved within the Open Source Movement. Our workshops will guide you to be self sovereign, hold your own keys in self custody, use Lightning & run a Bitcoin node.

Fix the money. Fix the world.

Meetup Venues

We rotate around friendly Bristol venues. Reach out if you want to be one.



level up

"Bitcoin isn't

smooth jazz,

it's punk rock.

Deal with it."

Andreas Antonopoulos

Recent Self Custody ​Workshops :

Using Bitcoin today and ​what it can do for you.

Hamilton House, ​Stokes Croft, Bristol


Nov 16th 11-5

Bristol is about to host its very ​own Bitcoin event at Hamilton ​House. Whether you're just ​learning how broken our ​money is or a seasoned OG, ​this event is a chance to level ​up and grow your local ​network.

From 10am til 5pm, we're ​bringing together Bitcoiners, ​developers and merchants for ​a day packed with fresh

insights, high impact talks ​and chances to connect ​with people who equally ​understand how important ​this all is.

We’re lining up some great ​speakers to share their ​knowledge and insights - ​TBA soon. After a day of ​high signal, we’ll be ​wrapping up with the After-​Party. LFG!

For limited £5 tickets,

please email: